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Avocado Salad with Chia for Breakfast – How to Make Avocado Salad with Chia?

By Shopiexpert LLC  •   2 minute read

Avocado Salad with Chia for Breakfast – How to Make Avocado Salad with Chia?

Avocado salad with chia for breakfast! You may be wondering if you can eat salad for breakfast; of course you can eat this salad at any meal you want, but the reason we recommend you to eat it for breakfast is because it is a very light salad. Avocado, which we usually eat for breakfast, is included in this salad. Another reason is the ease of preparation. As you know, avocado is a very filling fruit , so we thought it would be a good idea to start the day with such a healthy diet for the breakfast meal that we are recommended to have like a king/queen. In our salad, we will use chia seeds as well as this fruit, which is a good source of fiber, contains little sugar and consists of good fats. Because experts state that chia seeds are rich in antioxidants, a good source of Omega 3 and a rich food that provides fiber, iron and calcium.

Ingredients for Chia Avocado Salad

We offer you a delicious salad suggestion for a healthy breakfast, perhaps as an alternative to your traditional breakfasts. And it is so easy to make. A delicious salad with few ingredients, a delicious breakfast alternative, what more could you want? Let us not leave you wondering any longer and share with you the ingredients needed for this very easy-to-prepare bomb salad. Would you like to try our bomb salad right away and share it with your loved ones?

Ingredients for Chia Avocado Salad for Breakfast

How to Make Avocado Salad with Chia Seeds?

  • Peel and slice the avocado, if it is soft you can mash it a little.
  • Add the remaining ingredients and mix.
  • That's it. Bon appetit.

Tips for Avocado Salad with Chia

  • It is very important that the avocados are ripe and soft.
  • You can change the ratio of olive oil and lemon according to your taste.

What Other Ingredients Can Be Added to Avocado Salad with Chia for Breakfast?

We looked at what kind of flavor we could achieve using very few ingredients and were pleased with the recipe we made. If you want to diversify the salad part a little more:
  • 1 finely chopped onion
  • 1 finely chopped green pepper
  • 1 finely chopped red pepper
  • 1 diced tomato
  • A few sprigs of finely chopped parsley
  • One teaspoon of organic chili pepper
  • One teaspoon of organic black pepper powder
  • You can add half a teaspoon of organic turmeric powder . Mash your avocado well and think of this mixture as a mixture and spread it on your homemade breads and homemade crispy crackers.
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