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Chia Seeds 3X300G



Chia is an ancient oilseed used by the Mayans and Aztecs.

All of our organic spices and organic products are pesticide-free.

No irradiation was performed,

There is no pesticide (agricultural drug residue),

Aflatoxin analysis was performed.

You may not know this food, which does not have a dominant taste and is the closest to those who care about their health in North America and Europe, athletes and those who do not use synthetic food/food supplements. Better late than never, get acquainted. Our product is chia seeds in 300 gr packages.

Origin: Paraguay

All our products have an average recommended consumption date of 18 to 22 months.


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Chia Seeds 3X300G


Chia is an ancient oilseed used by the Mayans and Aztecs.

All of our organic spices and organic products are pesticide-free.

No irradiation was performed,

There is no pesticide (agricultural drug residue),

Aflatoxin analysis was performed.

You may not know this food, which does not have a dominant taste and is the closest to those who care about their health in North America and Europe, athletes and those who do not use synthetic food/food supplements. Better late than never, get acquainted. Our product is chia seeds in 300 gr packages.

Origin: Paraguay

All our products have an average recommended consumption date of 18 to 22 months.

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